Weight Loss Myths: 6 Biggest Weight Loss Myths Busted
What Are Common Weight Loss Myths?
Your weight loss journey may be plagued with unsolicited advice from relatives, friends, and even strangers on the internet, making it difficult to separate fact from fiction. It can also raise confusion about how you should be losing weight.
Most advice originates from common myths about weight loss, which are generally based on opinions, personal experiences, or a lack of information—not science or facts. Weight loss myths can be dangerous to your health.
In this post, we’ll debunk the most common weight loss myths so you can strive toward a healthy weight loss experience. Read from start to finish to learn what the biggest misconceptions about weight loss are.
1. You Can Only Lose Weight Through Exercise
Exercise is incredibly important to your weight loss journey. After all, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends adults receive 150 minutes of exercise a week to stave off chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease. However, while exercising can help you shed pounds, get stronger, and improve your health, exercise alone is unlikely to help you reach your weight loss goals.
Several factors influence weight loss, but the most important is your underlying biology. With our science-backed approach, we’ve learned that the best way to treat biology is with biology. This includes changing the way you eat, sleep, and feel in addition to adding exercise to your routine.
Building new lifestyle habits can be challenging when you’re attempting those changes alone. What makes Calibrate’s approach unique is the 1:1 accountability coach assigned to each member for the entirety of their One-Year Metabolic Reset. Your coach will help you make small, sustainable lifestyle tweaks across the Four Pillars of Metabolic Health, including food, sleep, exercise, and emotional health, to help you develop healthy, long-lasting habits.
2. You Must Cut Out Snacks
Just like carbs, snacking isn’t always unhealthy. Snacking is multifaceted, meaning that it can be healthy or unhealthy, depending on the timing, frequency, and quality of the snacks you consume. Snacking and weight loss studies suggest that eating the right snacks, such as foods high in fiber, protein, and healthy fat can help with weight loss. Healthy snacking between meals can actually assist in your weight loss by stabilizing your blood sugar and minimizing cravings that may cause you to overeat.
If you’re snacking a lot, however, it may mean your body is trying to protect your biological set point, thus throwing off your progress. Your set point is the weight your body fights to maintain, whether it’s healthy or not. Your set point is influenced by biology, genetics, and the environment. When your weight falls below the set point, it can trigger the production of hunger hormones and cause you to eat more. When this happens, learning how to reset your metabolism is essential.
3. You Must Diet
One weight loss myth is that you must diet, but not all diets are created equal. There are several fad diets that can be dangerous and unhealthy. In fact, 95% of diets fail because they’re not sustainable.
Instead of restricting yourself, it’s important to take a sustainable and flexible approach to what you eat. Don’t think about it as dieting, but as a lifestyle change that you can make for a healthier you. If you’re having a difficult time getting off the diet roller coaster, Calibrate pairs you with a 1:1 accountability coach (sometimes called a weight management coach) who can break down your goals into small and actionable steps.
4. All Weight Loss Medications Are Unsafe
Weight loss medications aren’t all the same. In fact, Calibrate doctors prescribe medications called GLP-1s because research shows they’re an effective, long-term option for weight loss when paired with lifestyle changes and coaching.
The medications Calibrate doctors prescribe have been widely used since 2005 and are clinically tested, stimulant-free, and non-habit forming. That said, side effects can occur, but they’re often well-tolerated and will resolve after the first few weeks of use. Overall, less than 5% of Calibrate members experience any adverse symptoms.
Your safety is our priority, which is why we take great strides to ensure you are eligible for the One-Year Metabolic Reset with our comprehensive Metabolic Health Assessment. This assessment includes a 45-minute virtual visit with a Calibrate doctor. Your Calibrate doctor will walk you through an in-depth intake and lab work to ensure you’re prescribed the most appropriate GLP-1 medication. You’ll also have access to the Calibrate Medical Team during the program, so you’ll be able to reach out when you need support.
5. Weight Loss Supplements Can Help You Lose Weight
Many weight loss supplements claim to help you lose weight. However, there’s no magic solution to weight loss, and most weight loss supplements are not FDA approved. Since the FDA doesn’t regulate dietary supplements, they can be tainted with dangerous ingredients. If you see a weight loss supplement that promises to help you lose weight fast or is marketed as an herbal alternative to prescription weight loss medication, the offer may be too good to be true.
Keep in mind that the medications Calibrate doctors prescribe are not supplements. They’re FDA-approved GLP-1 medications used under a qualified healthcare professional's supervision.
6. Weight Loss Is About Willpower, Not Biology
Sometimes, losing weight takes more than determination. In one study, researchers found that 80% of people who lose at least 10% of their body weight will gain it back within the first year. This is because weight gain is determined by your biology, specifically your body’s set point—the weight your body fights to maintain. There are also several biological factors and genetic conditions that can contribute to weight gain, such as hypothyroidism and PCOS.
Another example is menopause and weight gain. During menopause, women can gain an average of 2 to 5 pounds, storing most of the fat in their midsection. Not only can this impact their confidence, but it can also increase their risk of heart disease and Type 2 diabetes.
Despite your goals for weight loss and motivation level, hormones can also play a significant role in weight gain. The same GLP-1 hormone found in our doctor-prescribed medication is also naturally occurring in your body and works to regulate metabolic function, digestion, and appetite. However, individuals who retain more body weight can experience a reduction in these GLP-1 signals, emphasizing the fact that it’s not willpower, it’s biology that makes it difficult to lose weight.
This is why doctor-prescribed GLP-1 medications are beneficial. GLP-1 medications mimic the effects of the GLP-1 hormones in your body, targeting the underlying biology that contributes to weight loss. While your body tries to maintain your set point, GLP-1 medications will improve signaling and regulate your body’s blood sugar levels, allowing you to lose weight and improve your metabolic health.
Debunking Common Weight Loss Myths
Unfortunately, weight loss myths are everywhere. The most important thing you can do is combat them with facts and science. At Calibrate, we focus on providing you with a program rooted in science. The One-Year Metabolic Reset combines effective GLP-1 medications, 1:1 accountability coaching, and simple, actionable lifestyle changes to help you lose weight sustainably. With our science-backed program and GLP-1 medications, the earliest Calibrate members have lost at least 14% of their body weight, which is more than the 10% exhibited in clinical trials.
But, the program is so much more than just achieving your short-term weight loss goals. It’s about taking a holistic approach to health and nutrition to improve your overall wellbeing and obtain long-lasting results. With Calibrate, you can overcome the biological barriers preventing you from living your best life. See if you qualify today and learn how a metabolic reset can help you find your new day-to-day.
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We’re a modern, medical approach that combines doctor-prescribed medication with 1:1 accountability coaching—all personalized to your biology, your goals, and your life for a metabolic reset that lasts and 10% Weight Loss Guaranteed (see terms).